The ASAPS City Arctic Foxes look to end their 35 game losing streak tonight against the Williamtown Walruses. New starting point guard Danyaal Suarez looks for his first win as an Arctic Fox! Tune in to 3316 Sports Radio for live coverage! # # #
@3316SportsRadio Another night of misery incoming. I'm gonna say it and I don't care who hears. These fellas couldn't win even if the other team was made up of 5 golden retrievers! # # #
@Zacharia O'Brien That's no way to cheer on the hometown boys. They need our support in this trying time! # #
@3316 AM - Sports Radio look champ, I don't know who runs this account, but if you ask me you gotta work on that fake optimism. If I wanted to see some mediocre bball I would go down to the rec center and sign up to coach toddler basketball!! #
@Nathan Shanley Well now that you mention it the rec center could use more coaches for their toddler basketball league. # #